Highly sensitive people are changing the dynamics of our world in profound ways. While it may be difficult being a highly sensitive person or empath (I am both) in these challenging times, we are providing the rest of the world some much needed love, introspection, reflection, and support by simply leading by example.
These are not simple times to be alive and we as sensitives are bombarded everywhere living in a completely high paced and overstimulated world. Because of this we must celebrate ourselves and show ourselves some much needed self-love without guilt or explanation. Needed a rest just because is a valid enough reason. It’s important that we take that extra needed care for ourselves so that we can show up as our best selves in this world — that’s how we make the biggest impact.
Too often it feels like we are drowned out by simply the world. There is a reason that why we feel outnumbered so to speak. Roughly 1 out of 5 people are considered to be HSP. While we may feel alone and small sometimes we are mighty. Our power comes from affecting the lives around others like our family, friends, and community. Our gifts of sensitivity awaken new worlds and perspectives to others around us that they would have otherwise not been aware of.
The issue is that HSPs can feel so different from others and society that they feel pressured to conform for the sake of being loved and accepted but the opposite is actually true. People that don’t identify with being HSP are intrigued and delighted by the sensitive gifts of their peers. If you are not surrounded by people that make you feel this way then I would recommend you get surrounded by people who love you just as you are. Like the popular Dr. Seuss quote says, ” Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind“.
HSP and empaths change the world when they are brave enough to share their authentic true selves with the world. When they don’t hide away in shame anymore and claim this underrated super power. These gifts are so powerful that once they are exposed it creates a ripple effect where these new awareness shift the perspectives of our fellow human. We cannot underestimate the worth that it puts out into the world. I encourage you to shine your light brightly and courageously out into the world and feel that energy return to you ten-fold. It is brave and powerful to share the real you with the world. I hope you never doubt your impact.
If this resonated with you feel free to leave a comment and share your experience I love connecting and hearing other HSP or empath’s perspectives and it is a great way to empower one another!